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The other side of CRISPR: Diagnostic tests for COVID-19 and beyond.

By Pia Johansson

CRISPR (Clustered Regulatory Interspersed Palindromic Repeats) is a new gene-editing tool that has created great potential for curing some human genetic diseases. It has been featured extensively in the press as both the tool for Armageddon and the Corrector-of-all-disease. Both of these depictions are exaggerated and inaccurate (but that is a story for another time). However, there are other technologies, stemmed from the CRISPR discovery, that are much less controversial. One of these new technologies is a fast and simple method for pathogen detection that has recently been applied to COVID-19.

Just like humans, bacteria can be infected by viruses. CRISPR is actually a form of bacterial immune system that recognizes nucleic acids from invading viruses.1 The CRISPR system consists of two steps; 1, the recognition of specific stretches of nucleic acids using a specialized RNA sequence and 2, the cutting of these stretches with a CRISPR-associated (CAS) protein. The most commonly used form of CRISPR is based on the CAS protein found in Streptococcus pyogenes, called spCas9. There are other CAS proteins in other bacteria, and it is by studying the properties of these variants that new diagnostics tools have arisen.2-4

All artificial CRISPR works by designing a short RNA sequence that recognizes the DNA that you want to target. This RNA sequence (a.k.a guideRNA) guides the CAS protein to the target region where it binds and cuts the DNA.1 Interestingly, some CAS variants do not stop there. They continue to be active and start to shred other DNA (or RNA) indiscriminately. This is not very useful when it comes to finding precise and scarless gene-editing methods – but turned out to be important when it comes to diagnostic tests.

The diagnostic test kit contains a guideRNA that recognizes COVID-19, a CAS variant, and control DNA. In the presence of COVID-19, the CAS protein binds to the specific target site and then cleaves the control DNA (as part of the random cutting described above). The cleavage of the control DNA, which only occurs in the presence of the virus, leads to changes that can now be visualized via fluorescence or antibody capture. The actual procedure takes about an hour and, in its simplest form, goes more or less as follows:3-7

Step 1: The primary target is the COVID-19 RNA, so viral RNA is extracted from a patient sample (e.g. a mouth swab).

Step 2: The extracted viral RNA is mixed with the kit reagents and heated.

Step 3: The diagnostic paper strip (also in the kit) is dipped in the test solution (the RNA/kit mix from Step 2) and, a bit like a home-pregnancy test, a band will show you if you are positive or not.

The nice thing about these diagnostic tests is that they can be done quickly, do not require expensive machines and can be performed by most laboratories. The downside is that they can’t handle a lot of samples at once. In regard to COVID-19 and the current high demand for testing, it will most likely be used in combination with the already existing COVID-19 testing methods.

As with all things CRISPR, several labs have been working on this and the CRISPR pioneers (and others) have come out in force and done a great job developing these tools and applying them to COVID-19. Two major kits/approaches have been developed: DETECTR (from Mammoth Biosciences and the Jennifer Doudna lab)2, 3 and SHERLOCK (from SHERLOCK Biosciences and the Feng Zhang lab)4, 5. Initial reports show that the efficiency and reliability of these tests are very high, with a detection rate of around 95% and almost no false positives. The SHERLOCK kit was recently approved by the American Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) for use as “emergency testing”.8

In addition to COVID-19, these systems can test for the presence of other pathogens, such as Zika, HIV and HPV.2, 4 Importantly, their simplicity means that they can be used “in the field”, so to speak – in places where access to big lab equipment and diagnostic tests is limited or when time is of the essence. These test kits will instead contain a guideRNA specific to another virus and will then react only to that virus. In addition, using a slightly different detection method it is possible to test for, and discriminate against, multiple viruses at once with multiple guide RNAs and multiple CAS variants.5 It can also be used to detect mutations or common variants in the human genome. In recent interesting developments, CRISPR diagnostics have been applied to ecological research in terms of species identification, where the SHERLOCK system was used to identify closely related species that are easily mis-identified in the field.9

In summary, CRISPR can be used for fast and easy diagnostics and identification purposes using specialized detection kits. This novel technology and its applications will likely become a very useful addition to the diagnostics toolkit in human health and disease, as well as in agriculture and ecology. Who would have thought all this could come from bacteria?

Further Readings/References

  1. Doudna JA, Charpentier E. Genome editing. The new frontier of genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9. Science. 2014;346(6213):1258096. 
  2. Chen JS, Ma E, Harrington LB, et al. CRISPR-Cas12a target binding unleashes indiscriminate single-stranded DNase activity. Science. 2018;360(6387):436‐439. 
  3. Broughton, J.P., Deng, X., Yu, G. et al. CRISPR–Cas12-based detection of SARS-CoV-2. Nat Biotechnol (2020). 
  4. Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Lee JW, et al. Nucleic acid detection with CRISPR-Cas13a/C2c2. Science. 2017;356(6336):438‐442.
  5. Gootenberg JS, Abudayyeh OO, Kellner MJ, Joung J, Collins JJ, Zhang F. Multiplexed and portable nucleic acid detection platform with Cas13, Cas12a, and Csm6. Science. 2018;360(6387):439‐444. 
  6. Myhrvold C, Freije CA, Gootenberg JS, et al. Field-deployable viral diagnostics using CRISPR-Cas13. Science. 2018;360(6387):444‐448. 
  9. Baerwald MR, Goodbla AM, Nagarajan RP, et al. Rapid and accurate species identification for ecological studies and monitoring using CRISPR-based SHERLOCK [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 12]. Mol Ecol Resour. 2020;10.1111/1755-0998.13186. 

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Lessons learned from SARS-CoV: A molecular handshake with consequences

Virus entry
Virus entry depends on spike protein and cell surface receptor compatibility

By Niklas Krausse

It is early spring 2020. What has started as a local outbreak in China has by now paralyzed many countries in Europe and the rest of the world. In one way or another, most of us have been affected by the recent coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. There is still a lot unknown about the pathogen itself, and despite tremendous efforts from scientists all over the world, a safe and effective vaccine is still some way off. But perhaps a look back into the past could provide some insights into how viruses from the same group infect cells and which intervention strategies are suggested. After all, this is not the first encounter humans have experienced with coronaviruses.

It is early spring 2020. What has started as a local outbreak in China has by now paralyzed many countries in Europe and the rest of the world. In one way or another, most of us have been affected by the recent coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. There is still a lot unknown about the pathogen itself, and despite tremendous efforts from scientists all over the world, a safe and effective vaccine is still some way off. But perhaps a look back into the past could provide some insights into how viruses from the same group infect cells and which intervention strategies are suggested. After all, this is not the first encounter humans have experienced with coronaviruses.

In 2002, an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was reported. A virus that was designated SARS-CoV had crossed the species-boundaries (a process called zoonosis) and was identified as the cause of the disease. The pathogen responsible for the current outbreak (SARS-CoV-2) belongs to the same group of viruses as SARS-CoV, which are called Coronaviridae. In general, members of the Coronaviridae family consist of three structural components (proteins): spike (S), envelope (E), and membrane (M). These three proteins make up the outer structure of the virus, the so-called virus envelope. The genetic material (single stranded RNA in this case) is wrapped around the nucleocapsid (N) protein and located in the virus envelope. All viruses have to find a way to infiltrate their target cells in order to make use of their host’s internal protein-making machineries (ribosomes) to produce more virus particles. Understanding exactly how the virus enters the host provides vital information regarding the virus life cycle, and may help to stop the progression of the virus.

In 2003, Li and colleagues addressed this question in their work “Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus”, which they published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature.1 Previous studies had identified the S protein as the part of the virus that interacts with its target cells, similarly to a key in a lock. In order to identify the corresponding counterpart of the S protein on the host cell, they created a fusion protein with parts from the viral S protein and parts from human antibodies (important for detection of the fusion protein later in the study). Replicating the “key” of the virus, they managed to capture the “lock” on cells accessible to the virus. The “lock” turned out to be Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). To further prove that the correct receptor had been identified, they artificially expressed ACE2 on cells that usually do not express it. And voilà – the fusion protein recognized the cells that were previously invisible to the virus again. Interestingly, they also found that adding a soluble version of the ACE2 receptor to cells vulnerable to viral infection prevented virus uptake by intercepting the virus. Blocking the ACE2 receptor with an antibody also hindered the virus from entering the cells. These effects were specific to ACE2, since the same experiments were performed with the closely related ACE1 receptor and did not prevent virus entry. In their work, they identified ACE2 as the functional receptor for SARS-CoV. Importantly, it has been shown before that ACE2 is expressed on a variety of different tissues in humans including the lungs, the heart, the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

Virus entry
Virus entry depends on spike protein and cell surface receptor compatibility.

Seventeen years later, Hoffmann and colleagues were wondering if the newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 virus uses the same entry route as SARS-CoV.2 The S-proteins of both viruses are approximately 76% identical, and both viruses seem to affect the same spectrum of cell lines. Besides many structural similarities, ACE2 was indeed used by SARS-CoV-2 to enter the host cells. They performed the same trick as Li et al. and artificially expressed ACE2 on cells that then became susceptible to infection by SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, they showed that virus entry depends on yet another protein located on the host cell. The enzyme, with the fancy name TMPRSS2, primes (or activates) the S-protein of the virus. Upon activation, the S-protein is cleaved into two subunits. Subunit 1 of the cleaved S-protein interacts with the target receptor on the host cell (ACE2) and establishes the first contact, almost like a molecular handshake between the virus and the cell. Subunit 2 of the cleaved S-protein then fuses the viral and host membrane together and completes the entry.3 One possible treatment approach would be to block the activity of the priming enzyme, and Hoffmann et al. have already shown that the clinically proven inhibitor “camostat mesylate” partially blocks S-protein driven entry of SARS-CoV-2.

This is just one example how research conducted almost 20 years earlier on a related virus has helped to accelerate the efforts made in understanding the biology behind a present threat. If you are interested to find out more about past and present vaccination approaches against SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 stay tuned for our next blog post!


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Neural Stem Cells

By Jonas Fritze

Neural stem cells exist both in the developing and in the adult brain of mammals. Just like other stem cells, they can divide limitless to make copies of themselves and turn into other cell types. Neural stem cells are restricted to cell types found in the central nervous system, and are therefore considered multipotent stem cells.

During embryonic and fetal development, neural stem cells contribute to a massive production of different brain cells to build up the brain. In the adult brain it is quite different. There, neural stem cells are very few in number, mainly inactive, and exist only in certain areas of the brain. Still, they are essential for some tasks. Since neurons are unable to divide, neural stem cells are the only source of new neurons.1 When the brain is injured from stroke, and neurons die, neural stem cells are activated to produce new neurons to repair the damaged part of the brain.2

The birth of new neurons from neural stem cells is called neurogenesis and is important for creating new memories. Neurogenesis continues throughout life but becomes less efficient with age and in some age-related dementia diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.3 One way to improve neurogenesis is with physical activity4, which can also be beneficial for healthy aging.5 

Neural stem cells have the potential to repair the brain and improve memory and are therefore the target for a lot of research. Knowledge from studying neural stem cells has made it possible for scientists to produce neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells, which will soon be used in clinical trials as a therapy for Parkinson’s disease.6

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Hematopoietic Stem Cells

By Maria Jassinskaja

Everyone who has donated blood or had a deep cut knows that losing blood can make you feel dizzy and weak for a while. Usually this feeling doesn’t last for too long, and we have the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) to thank for that. Their name is derived from the Greek word “hematopoiesis” which quite literally means “to make blood”. HSCs are multipotent and can produce red blood cells, platelets and immune cells (white blood cells). Like all stem cells, HSCs have the capability to self-renew by creating copies of themselves, which enables them to sustain life-long blood production. HSCs appear in the embryo at around week four of human pregnancy. They are formed from epithelial (“skin-like”) cells in the aorta of the embryo through a process called endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition. After this, the newly formed HSCs join the blood circulation and begin to divide and grow in numbers to build up the blood system of the embryo. In adult mammals, HSCs can be found in the bone marrow. Like most other adult stem cells, HSCs in the bone marrow are normally in a resting state where they don’t divide that much, but can be activated in response to blood loss or infection to produce the cells required to deal with the injury.1

HSC transplantation (sometimes referred to as bone marrow transplantation) is the only stem cell therapy that is used regularly in the clinic. The first HSC transplantation was performed already in the 1950s. HSC transplantation is used to treat a number of different conditions, such as blood cancer (leukemia), blood deficiency (anemia) and some autoimmune diseases. The most common way of performing HSC transplantation is to give the donor a drug that makes HSCs exit the bone marrow and circulate in the blood. The blood is collected and given to the patient who has been pre-treated with radiation to remove their own, diseased, HSCs. Through a process called homing, the donated cells find their way to the bone marrow where they go on to rebuild a new and healthy blood system in the patient. HSC transplantation is a life-saving procedure and for some severe diseases, it is the only treatment option. Like in all other types of organ donations, it is important that the donor and the patient’s immune systems are compatible with each other. If not, the newly transplanted cells can begin to attack the patient’s body and cause a disease called Graft-versus-Host.2 For this reason, it is important that there are many bone marrow donors available to choose from to be able to find the right match for each patient. In Sweden, people interested in donating bone marrow can register themselves at Tobiasregistret.

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Stem Cells For Beginners

By Niklas Krausse, Magdalena Madej and Ouyang Yuan

Have you ever wondered where the new cells come from after an injury? How is it possible, that a scratch on our skin is replaced with new skin after a couple of days? It is said that time heals all wounds, but stem cells play a big role in many cases too.

Stem cells do much more than repair scratches though. Did you know that:

• 100 million new red blood cells are generated in our body every minute?1

• The lining of the small intestine is fully exchanged every 4 days?2

• The human epidermis (skin) is entirely replaced in 27 days on average?3

Maintenance (homeostasis) is one of the most important functions of stem cells, which help us keep our bodies in good shape and jump in when necessary, for example following injuries or infections. So, let’s take a closer look at these fascinating cells. In order to be classified as a stem cell, two fundamental criteria have to be met:

1. The cell is able to make new cells of their own kind (self-renewal)

2. The cell can change into a different cell type (differentiation)

Usually, stem cells live in a certain location in our body, called the niche or microenvironment. The niche consists of other cell types that protect and maintain the stem cells. Often, the niche cells communicate with the stem cells and provide instructions about what mature cell types are currently needed. However, if there is no urgent need for new supply, most stem cells tend to be in a non-active or dormant state. Stem cell dormancy helps to protect and prolong the life of these precious cells. Any kind of error in stem cells can have devastating consequences, since they can pass that error on to descending cells. These mistakes can be passed on to either new stem cells made by self-renewal, or differentiated cells originating from the “faulty” stem cell.

Stem cell types

Stem cells come in different flavors. Broadly, they can be categorized into three different types: Embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells. They differ in their origin as well as how restricted they are in their potential to give rise to other cell types. In other words, their potency.

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs)

Just like a human life, the stem cell story has its beginning with the union of a human sperm and egg. This leads to the formation of the most potent cell in human body, a zygote. The zygote is totipotent, which means that it is capable of creating any cell type in an organism, as well as extraembryonic tissues such as the placenta. The totipotent state lasts for 4 days until the zygote has developed into a blastocyst, which could be described as a tiny ball with embryonic stem cells inside. The embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, which means that they can give rise to all cell types of the body, but no extraembryonic tissues. During embryo development, embryonic stem cells soon lose their pluripotency as they begin to differentiate into other tissues. Since the 1990s, scientists have been able to extract human embryonic stem cells from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and grow and study them in the lab.5 This has led to many important discoveries about human embryonic development. Research on human embryos is a matter of constant ethical debate and is even illegal in some countries. In Sweden, many embryonic stem cells used in research come from leftover embryos from in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. Researchers are only allowed to use the embryos until they are 14 days old, after which they must be destroyed to stop further development.6

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)

It was believed for a very long time that once a cell becomes fully mature, it can never revert back to a stem cell stage. However, in 2006 a group of Japanese scientists discovered that by turning on just four genes, it is possible to create a cell very similar to an embryonic stem cell from a mature cell through a process called reprogramming.7 They named these reprogrammed cells induced pluripotent stem cells, and were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2012 for their ground-breaking research. The ability to create pluripotent stem cells from any kind of mature cell type has led to a lot of new possibilities for researchers to study development without having to use human embryos. Induced pluripotent stem cells can also be used to study disease development and for testing new drugs. In the future, scientists and medical doctors hope to be able to use induced pluripotent stem cells to treat diseases caused by loss of/injury in a particular tissue, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) and heart failure. However, so far, the use of induced pluripotent stem cells in the clinic is extremely limited and much more research is required before induced pluripotent stem cells can be used to their full potential.

Adult stem cells

These cells reside in different tissues and supply the organism with new cells. They are multipotent, which means they can only differentiate into cells that make up the tissue where they belong. Therefore, they are less potent than embryonic stem cells. An example of adult stem cells are hematopoietic (blood) and neural stem cells.

Read more about hematopoietic stem cells here

Read more about neural stem cells here

Cancer stem cells

Tumor cells that have the ability to self-renew and differentiate are called cancer stem cells. Cancer stem cells were first identified in blood cancer (leukemia) in the late 1990s. The discovery of cancer stem cells has completely changed our understanding of tumor and cancer biology. Because of their ability self-renew and supply the tumor with new cells, cancer stem cells are believed to be one of the main reasons for why cancer often comes back after the patient receives treatment. This means that in order to completely cure a patient from cancer, the treatment must attack the cancer stem cells. Unfortunately, cancer stem cells are not killed by regular cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. Thanks to the effort of many researchers over the past 20 years, several therapies targeting cancer stem cells in different cancers have been developed. These targeted therapies can eliminate the cancer stem cells and typically have fewer side effects compared to chemotherapy, because they are specific to the cancer stem cells and leave other kinds of cells untouched. By continuing the research on cancer stem cells, scientists hope to develop even more specific therapies targeting cancer stem cells that can replace current treatments that are often harmful and dangerous for the patient.8

Future perspectives of stem cell research

Stem cell research is a rather young but constantly growing discipline.9 It has had a large impact on our understanding of biology and medicine. The combination of (stem) cell therapy, gene therapy, and tissue engineering has led to an entirely new field, now known as regenerative medicine.10

However, medical advancements usually follow years of intensive research. Stem cells provide excellent model systems and allow us to study questions such as: How are processes such as homeostasis and differentiation regulated on a cellular level? How are organs built and maintained? How do complex multicellular organisms (including us) develop from a single cell (a fertilized egg cell)? There are many more open questions that are left to be answered by future scientists.

Besides satisfying scientific curiosity, stem cell research holds promising new treatment opportunities for a whole range of diseases, such as cancer, degenerative diseases, or consequences of traumas.11 So far, only a few therapies have made it from the laboratory to the clinics. Some of these approved therapies are: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, regeneration therapy of the cornea (the clear outer layer of the eye), and regeneration therapy of the skin following severe burns6. Many more stem cell based therapies are on the way and will be tested in clinical trials in the coming years. The regeneration potential of stem cell based therapies raises the hope to not only treat the symptoms of a disease, but also to restore the affected system entirely. However, it is advisable to be patient. There are many black sheep out there that try to make quick money with premature, unapproved or even harmful “treatments”. Research takes time. After all, it took almost 30 years to translate the above-mentioned therapies from the laboratory to the clinics.10 Therefore, it is recommended to stay suspicious if someone claims to have one miraculous cure for a variety of different diseases. Always keep in mind: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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